Select Approvers

Follow these steps to select an approver.

To select an approver:

  1. Select an option from the Approval Chain Type field.
    • Serial: This approval chain type requires that those in the chain to approve or reject the action in a specific order. If an individual in the chain rejected the action, then the succeeding individuals will not receive the request to approve or reject the action.
    • Parallel: This approval chain type has no approval order restrictions, unlike Serial approval chain types. All selected individuals receive the request simultaneously. However, if at least one individual on the approval chain rejects the action, then the action is rejected.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Internal Approvers: These approvers are current employees and users of your application. Click Internal Approvers to open the Internal Approvers window. You can search by Employee Name to find individuals who directly report to another manager, or display all the internal users in the application by clicking the Search button.
    • External Approvers: These are individuals who are either not employed by your organization or not users of the application. In the Enter External Approvers field, type the email address of the external approver for the performance workflow. To add more than one external approver, either type each email address on a separate line or use a comma to separate each address.
    • Managerial Level: This type of approver is selected based on his or her manager level within the organizational hierarchy and how that relates to the appraisal being approved. To select a manager level, click to select the desired Manager Level.
    Note: To select more than one manager level, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the key (Mac) and click on the manager level you want to select. If an employee has the option checked on his or her User Profile to be skipped if added as an approver, that employee will not receive an approval request even if employed in that manager level.
  3. Click Next.